Why You Shouldn’t Make New Years Resolutions


Happy New Year!

The new year is always an exciting time. We all like the idea of turning the page and starting fresh. This is a milestone where you can work to improve yourself personally, professionally and spiritually. But before you get too carried away with “New Year, New Me,” here’s why you should not make resolutions and what you should do instead.

Resolutions are too abstract.

Saying that you want to “eat healthier” sounds great, but how do you truly measure that? Does healthier mean you cut out junk food and only cook at home? Does it mean you cut out processed food or red meat? How do you measure your progress? Do you see the issue with merely having a resolution?

Instead of a resolution, make a concrete goal. So compare saying you want to “eat healthier,” to setting a goal to workout three times a week and lose 10lbs in 6 months. With a goal, you can create a plan, set milestones and track your progress.

The same is true as it relates to your hair. It’s not enough to say you want to “take better care of your hair” in 2015. Set a goal such as wanting to reach bra strap length or transition to natural hair.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to say you want to improve yourself this year. But ask yourself – “How can I track my progress?” If you can’t track your progress then you have a resolution and not a goal. A resolution is certainly great start towards creating tangible goals. Just don’t stop with the resolution.

What’s your New Years resolution and how do you plan to turn it into a goal?