Lisas Hair Elixir Scalp And Hair Oil Treatment • Peppermint Essential Oil rejuvenates your…
Grow longer hair
My Summer Protective Style
Hi ladies! I’ve missed you all! I appreciate everyone’s supportive emails and messages during this…
Anti-Reversion Cream Serum
One of the biggest challenges I’ve had since my last relaxer is maintaining straight hair…
“You Have Long Hair”
Today at the office, a woman said to me “You have long hair.” It took…
My Experience with Zerran Reform
It’s been almost 12 weeks since I first used Zerran Reform to straighten my hair.…
Roller Set Results & A Hair Setback?
Yesterday, I roller set my hair for the first time in years (literally). Here are…
My First Roller Set in Years
Today was wash day and I decided to roller set my hair instead of doing…