Hello everyone!
It is really great to get a chance to contribute to Ms. Kibibi’s blog! I have admired her drive and focus to health and beauty for the last 10 years. I am truly honored to get an opportunity to contribute and help people out. I plan to share the good, bad, and ugly with you all. Sit back and follow me on this journey.
Now allow me to introduce myself, my name is Sade. I am 36 year old and I will be competing in a bikini fitness competition on 19 April here in the United Kingdom. I started my fitness journey in March of 2013, when I took a picture of myself in the mirror and I didn’t like what I saw. So I decided change that and get a trainer.
My first trainer was more crossfit focused, so it was great to get basic techniques down for weight lifting. One of the key things that my trainer made clear was I had to change my eating habits. We immediately started a 21 day detox, where I eliminated everything processed and just eat clean. I later switched trainers to my current one once I decided to compete.
In the fitness world, it is about 70% nutrition, 20% exercise, and 10% rest. You have to come close to these percentages to see any real results especially if you are competing. The picture below demonstrates just that. It wasn’t until I figured out my nutrition did I start seeing some real changes.

Where I am today:
Right now I am a 2 weeks away from my first competition. I am not quite as big (building muscles) as I hoped but I am ready to get on that stage and give it my best shot. The picture below is my last check in. I am 5’6, weigh 110 pounds, with about 9% body fat. Please keep in mind that this weight and body fat for my height is only for competition. There is no way anyone should sustain a shredded look all the time. It is not healthy and not advisable.

My Diet and Food Prep
For the past 12 weeks I have consumed nothing but chicken, lean beef mince, eggs, oats, veggies in a blender, Greek yogurt, nuts, nut butter, potato, white rice, fruit, protein powder, flavor drops, spices, chewing gum, green tea, buckets of black coffee and endless litres of water. Everything is freshly made too and weighed out to my personalized macro-nutrient from my coach. This is a BODY TRANSFORMATION so you cannot go out every weekend, drinking and eating whatever you like and expect results. You simply have to be focused, dedicated, and determined to do it. The pictures below shows how I pack for a weekend away. I measure everything and I leave no room for errors.

As a competitor, I am constantly obsessing about how I look because it is such a subjective sport you almost have to let others control your happiness because you are judged on your looks. When things get bad, I just remember it’s only temporary, it’s not going to destroy me or become the end of the world. I work very hard to stay in control of who I am, my goals, what I set out to achieve, and how I feel. That way I don’t go crazy because of what others think of me. Over the next two weeks I will try as much as possible to share my journey. I may even have videos and take you back stage with me during my competition.
My next steps after competition is to work on getting bigger muscles and continue to eat clean. This is a lifestyle for me and I am thankful that I get to do something I really enjoy.
Thanks for reading and I look forward to contributing to this blog.