Live from Lisbon, Portugal!


Bom Dia!

I’m currently on vacation in Lisbon, Portugal and I am loving this city thus far. Before I arrived, I checked the weather report which said it would be in the high mid 50s and low mid 40s. So I decided it would be best to wear my wig. I actually prefer wearing wigs or braids while on vacation; one less thing to worry about. I recorded a video of me styling the wig and will post it soon.


The biggest challenge with my hair while on vacation is sticking to my Love Your Hair Challenge: Change Your Habits regimen. Click here to see the video on my phase 1 regimen. I didn’t plan to check any bags to taking my liquid vitamins and protein shakes were not an option. But, I still needed a multi-vitamin and source of protein (other than food).

So, I improvised.

To replace my liquid multi-vitamins, I’m going to take Vitamin Shoppe Skin-Hair-Nails vitamins. I usually avoid these types of vitamins because the high concentration of biotin can cause breakouts. Fortunately, this brand requires that you take three pills in order to get the full nutritional value listed for each ingredient. Therefore, I can take one pill and get the maximum amount of biotin I’m comfortable with consuming. The nutritional value isn’t comparable to my liquid vitamins but it will work for the week I’m in Portugal.


To replace my protein shakes, I got an assortment of protein bars. I haven’t tried them yet but let’s hope they either taste okay enough for me to eat the whole bar. If not, I’ll do the castor oil method of plugging my nose, and suffering through followed by lots of water. I’ll keep you posted on which bar won the taste test.

Have you joined the Love Your Hair Challenge?