Introducing MsMartini: My Hair Story (Part 1)

Hi Ladies!

I’m Ms.Marty (short for Martini) a talker …lol  I couldn’t figure out how to make my hair story shorter so I broke it down into two parts…

Although I am not a Beauty Blogger, I am the Founder & Editor of Weaffair the Blog.  Currently I reside in Springfield Oregon with my husband and kids.  I am a military vet but these days I am living my life as a housewife.

Between myself and my 3-year-old daughter, I have been learning a lot about the upkeep of our hair while on our hair journey.   I am natural with a 4A Hair texture and my daughter has a 4C Texture.

I’ve always wanted to document my hair journey and my daughters’ but was too timid to do so on YouTube… Now that I have gained a new level of buoyancy as a relationship and lifestyle blogger, I want to move forward in documenting my journey….  I hope that in communicating  with others as we all journey to healthy hair growth, we can teach each other and remain teachable.

My natural hair is currently APL when it is blown out; my hope is to achieve waist length healthy hair/ or full shoulder length in a twist out.  MY daughters’ hair stretched is already mid back length, however I’m still trying to learn how to find the balance of maintaining moisture in her tresses. This can be a bit of a challenge when you are as inconsistent as I am with hair regimens… Yes ladies! Your guess is right I am a Minimalist! LOL Hope I can find my silk scarf tonight… 😀

Hair Story:

Growing up I never had long hair and the length was mostly chin length.  I got my first relaxer at 12 years old when my mom was away dealing with a family misfortune… My older sister, irritated with my hair, relaxed it without my mothers’ approval and thus the continuation of my hair mishaps…. However, this time at a more rapid speed.


During all of college, I wore nothing but weaves … I paid no attention to my own tresses.

Little to no effort was put into my hair until I joined the military and I met with other ladies that were conditioning their hair weekly and some even biweekly….

I was already 21 and had never been to the hair salon nor had I ever had a deep conditioning or hot oil treatment done to the hair.  I was still scratching my scalp to remove buildup and I wasn’t washing my hair often because I had been taught that my hair would grow the least I washed it…. just like a plant it grows with dirt.

What! LMBO! That’s the most inane thing I have ever heard.  I cant believe I fell for it. What’s  amusing is that my hair wasn’t growing, it was just always itchy, dirty, and dry.

     wavy ponytail


My hair finally started growing, but no thanks to me.  I had no real regimen but I guess the low manipulations were making a difference in my length. At this point, it was the longest my hair had ever been but  I loved it, even though it was thinning at the ends.


The thinning got worst and ultimately I had to cut it off.


I eventually turned right back to the weaves and braids for another two years of so.
