I again decided that I wanted to try self-styling. I got the washing portion under better control, but self-relaxing I would not, could not build up the courage to do myself. I continued to go to various stylists for relaxers and in between I would take care of things myself. I had a roommate who had a friend in the dorm who would do her hair. She would allow this young lady to relax and color her hair. I decided that I would let her relax my hair one night. Things were going well and I

was thinking, “Yes, great decision Zoe.” She was available more often, I could use the products that I wanted, and I had seen her work. Nothing could possibly go wrong.She started to comb the relaxer through and the hair broke off at the new growth. She tried another area. My hair broke off again. She said “We need to wash this out right now.” We go to the sink and wash. I see long strands, no, clumps of long hair floating down the drain. I’m trying to keep it together and wait to see the extent of the damage. After we washed
and neutralized, between one-third and one-half of my hair was gone. If there is a bright side to a messed up situation like this, it was that the hair that broke off was in the back and could be camouflaged somewhat. Luckily the semester only had a few weeks left and I was heading home. I went to my regular stylist and she said there was nothing to be done. Chop…chop! I ended up with this.

I went back to stylists. I found one on recommendation from a friend that seemed to gel with me. I went to her every 2

weeks and got relaxers every 10 weeks. My hair came back slowly but surely. After about a year, I had gotten back to neck length. I was recommended to another salon by a friend whose hair was “banging.” (Lol, but it’s true to this day) This salon was Amazing!! They taught you about your hair, suggested products and welcomed discussion about your
goals. They even held a seminar series at my school talking about hair care. I went to this salon until I graduated college and moved back home. My hair was somewhere between SL and APL with thick ends, no layers, and healthy.
Have you ever been forced into a drastic cut or change in your hair because of a mishap? What did you do with your style in between?