Introducing My New Book!

It’s finally here!

I’m so excited to introduce my new book: The 5 Hair Archetypes: Your Guide to Growing Long Hair.

If you’re a current reader then you know about my journey with writing this book. For my new readers, I started writing this book almost four years ago, after my best friend encouraged me to share my hair story and my principles for successful hair growth and length retention.

The book initially started out with an emphasis on the practical aspects of hair care (ex. regimen building, product selection, etc.). But I also wanted to offer something novel to my readers; something that was not currently available. So, I developed the five hair archetypes.

The 5 Hair Archetypes introduces an innovative model for understanding your hair based on your current routine.  The book also has a quiz to help you identify your current archetype. The hair archetypes, or hair personalities, categorizes women based on their hair habits, and identifies the strengths and weaknesses in their approach. I also provide suggested regimens for each archetype.

What I love most about this book is that it is truly applicable to everyone. Regardless of your hair type, texture, chemical status,whether you’re just starting out or a “hair guru” in your own right, I’m confident this book will help you.

I’ve poured my heart into this book and I’m excited to finally be able to share it with you. This process has been an adventure, and I’ve been blessed to have the support of my husband, my family, my friends and my stylist, Reniece, who wrote the foreword to the book.

Thank you also for your continued support. Happy Growing!