So, I Gave Myself a Haircut

A very unscientific length check
So I decided to cut my hair. I felt it was getting a little unruly and needed to be shaped up. Here are the pictures showing how I did it. 

I had to put conditioner in my hair so I could comb through it.

My best attempt at “sexy face”.
To actually cut my hair, I separated it into little sections and made sure I cut both sides evenly. During the process of doing that, my hair dried out and I got a peek of what a cute little fro I now had. I don’t have any before pictures of my hair as a fro, though, but just trust me when I say that the top was a floppy mess because the texture and the length were not conducive to a gigantic fluffy fro.
…Am I naked?!

So now the afters. I should’ve held my hair this way in the before, I didn’t realize my hand had been blocking everything. But I prefer the shape much more now!
Another pseudoscientific length check.

So happy with my new hair! It’s subtle, but I like it. The time will come for something drastic. But now is not that time!