My Stylist, My Inspiration

Here is a recent video that my stylist Reniece posted about her hair journey. I was brought to tears when I watched this, honestly. She has been such an inspiration to me over the years. Especially at the beginning of my hair journey when I needed it the most.

When you go your whole life unconsciously thinking that you can’t have long hair, because it’s kinky and then you meet someone who shows you that you can, it is the most liberating experience.

Reniece was definitely one of the women who changed how I viewed my kinky hair. She has been my stylist since 2004 and played a pivotal role in helping me achieve my hair goals.

Believing in your ability to achieve a goal is the essence of our self-esteem. Hair goals are the same as any other life goal. I view my blog and my upcoming book as a way of helping you to achieve your hair goals. But ultimately I’m also showing you that if you believe in yourself, then everything is achievable. This is why I often say “It’s just hair, but it’s not just hair.” It is a reflection of how you view yourself.

What unconscious beliefs did you have about your hair?