It occurred to me at my last relaxer that the front pieces of my hair were significantly shorter than the rest of my hair. I wasn’t sure why, but then I realized the cause this past week.
I wear contacts during the day, but as soon as I get home I switch to my glasses. Sometimes when I take off my glasses, they pull on my hair and break a few strands. The same thing happens with my sunglasses. Overtime this has led to me unintentionally having bangs.
The lesson here is that every strand counts. Sometimes we do things that we know breaks a few strands here and there. At the time the few strands don’t seem like a big deal. But overtime, all of those broken strands add up and become visibly shorter than the rest of your hair. Fortunately this can be easily rectified by being more careful when doing things you know might break strands. For me, I have to gently remove my glasses.
What do you do that occasionally breaks a few strands?