Heating Things Up (sort of)

Well, I did it.
I straightened my hair.
See, what had happened was… I was getting very frustrated with the length of my hair. With shrinkage, you can’t even tell the difference in the length between now and maybe 2 years ago. At least that’s how it seems (I can probably dig up some pictures later). So I thought that perhaps the solution to this was to hack it all off. Some begged me not to, others threatened bodily harm if I did. Ms Kibibi said regardless of what I did, I must write a post about it…and include lots and lots of pictures of course.
So I thought about it, and came to another solution.
And that’s why I straightened my hair.
Well, maybe that’s not the whole truth. I definitely didn’t relax it. And I didn’t even straighten it all the way. I just blow dried it (didn’t want to wait for it to air dry) and flat ironed on low heat, just hot enough to allow my hair to show some length. Then I did two strand twists. Why all this trouble for twists, you ask? It’s a good style to showcase the length, and it would still look good once the humidity hit and the inevitable puffiness set in (as it did while I was doing my hair because the bathroom was still humid). My hair would have to be done bone straight to start looking more “that’s so cute!” and less “that’s so… cute…” and I’m not up for bone straight.
Enough of the jibber jabber, now time for some pics!

I was already done with the first half when I realized I should take some pictures!

Blow dried section (forgot to take any pics of a still wet section, sorry!)

Going to flat iron this itty bitty section.

That section, flat ironed.

The two twists that came from said section.

Then I flat ironed those twists because they were doing strange things.
Final product. I am exhausted because this took almost 2 hours. I didn’t take a picture of the back because I was extra lazy with those (I’m just going to sleep on them and mess them up!).
So, in all, I think it was a success. I get a little volume and a little more length. Best of both worlds!
P.S. I also feel compelled to add that my hair is even, but on my left some of the ones in the back snuck in, but on the right they did not. Hence the little extra long piece. And of course my left has more volume from my side part.