I’ve Been Bad (and Good)

The past two weeks have been very busy, especially with my hair book. My third draft was due yesterday, so I hunkered down to get it done. Unfortunately, that meant my hair got neglected. I haven’t washed my hair in two weeks and you do not want to know what’s going on with my scalp at this point. Suffice it to say, it is not happy with me. Oh, the irony.

I have been moisturizing so that alleviates some of my guilt about being neglectful. Tomorrow I’m going to wash my hair and I’m nervous about detangling it. Yep, I haven’t detangled it in the past two weeks either. I’m going to do a pre-poo treatment with coconut oil, which should soften up my roots before I detangle. Hopefully it will be an uneventful wash day.

Has anyone else been bad about their regimen recently?