Here’s a picture of my new-growth at 8 weeks post relaxer. I washed and let…
Relaxed Hair
Countdown to My Relaxer
My hair is currently 8 weeks post and I will relax at 10 week. My…
Relaxer and Hair Cut Pictures
If you follow me on my Facebook Page, then you already know that I cut…
Relaxer Prepping – Two days before
My relaxer is in two days and this is what I did tonight to help…
Relaxer Prepping
My relaxer is scheduled for next Saturday and I’m so excited (and a little anxious…
Cut 7″ in one year?
Yep, I’m going to go ahead and get another hair cut. I think I need…
Relaxer Day Pictures
Hi friends! Sorry for the delay. My internet has been malfunctioning all week; it is…