Guess who stayed up until 2am last night because she got ambitious and decided to wash her hair at 8pm?
*raises hand*
Yesterday, was exactly 2 weeks since my relaxer and this was my first wash day. I followed my usual routine of washing my hair in braids (see video below).
Here is my routine and links to the product I used (affiliate links used, it costs the same to you, but supports the blog when you use my link. Thanks!).
I did a light reconstructor with Joico K pak, and deep conditioned with Mixed Chicks Conditioner under my stand hair steamer for 30 minutes . My hair felt a little stiff afterwards, so I did a final quick condition in the shower with the Cream of Nature Detangling Conditioner, which softened my hair. I applied my leave in conditioners, then roller set using the regular magnetic rollers. After sitting under the dryer for 1 hour, I removed the rollers, sprayed some Ion heat protectant, then flat ironed my roots. My hair was done around 2am (I took a break after the deep conditioner to eat dinner).

Overall, I’m loving this new relaxer. In my relaxer update video, I mentioned that both my stylist and I forgot that I ran out of Affirm relaxer. So she used Design Essentials instead. My hair felt great. I noticed that the porosity wasn’t as high as with the Affirm. It’s definitely a keeper for me!
The last thing I did was 6 pin curls to go to bed. The pin curls will keep the big curl on the ends. What do you think of my results?