There are several tactics available in the quest to achieve healthy, long hair. Taking vitamins, using growth promoting products, and protective styling are among the more popular tools used today. Protective styling entails wearing hairstyles that “hide” your hair (specifically your delicate hair ends) and protects them from potential damage. Less damage leads to less breakage, less breakage leads to length retention, and length retention leads to longer hair.
Different forms of protective styling include wearing up-dos (ex. Buns) and braids (ex. Cornrows). Another somewhat controversial protective style is wearing a sew-in weave. Sew-in weaves or simply weaves, have gotten a bad reputation over the years. I think we all remember the horror of seeing a photo of Naomi Campbell’s non-existent hairline years ago (Yikes!). Most people concluded she had traction alopecia from constantly wearing weaves.
Today, I’m going to attempt to replace the negative stigma of wearing weaves with a more positive image of women who have successfully used weaves to retain length (myself included). I’ll even include pictures of women with natural and relaxed hair who used sew-in weaves to retain length.
Here are 3 ways to use a weave to achieve longer hair…read my entire article on COCO Magazine.