Flax Seed Gel Perm Rod Set: No Heat Curls

photo(2)Hair Challenge Update

Its been a few days over two months since I started my 4 months hair challenge.  In that blog post, I promised to do some amazing things like biweekly tea rinses, etc.  The truth is, the only thing I have been consistent with, is taking my vitamins and working out daily.

Nonetheless, the shedding has subsided and my hair is starting to look amazingly healthy.  On most days, I wear my hair in a bun but I decided to do something different for my daughter’s birthday party.

Flax seed gel perm rod set: No heat curls


Permrods ( I used about 3 packs)

Homemade Flaxseed Gel


Start off with freshly washed hair that has  been  moisturized and stretchedIMG_1063

Apply a generous amount of flax seed gel to coat the hair ( its important that no other product is added at this time to add having white residue throughout your hair).


Holding your hair taut begin wrapping the ends of your hair to the furthest of one end of the perm rod.


Using your other hand, grab the hair slightly about the perm rods to create a fold in your hair as you roll your hair on the perm rods, in an upright motion.


Allow your hair to dry overnight


The take down:

Apply a few drops of your favorite oil throughout your hair and separate each curl into 4 or 5 smaller sections (the more your separate the curls the fuller your hair will look).


Final look:

 IMG_1075IMG_1073 IMG_1108

I am excited about starting the last two months of this challenge and I am going to make more of an effort to follow through.  Too often, we hold ourselves back from reaching our full potential…. “When you know better, you do better”.

I am all in! Are you?