3 Ways ‘Spring Cleaning’ Benefits Your Hair



For most of us in the States, Spring is in full bloom (sorry, north easterners I know that winter has been eternal for you all). With Spring comes the need for ‘Spring cleaning,’ which can often seem like a daunting task. When you do your Spring cleaning, don’t forgot to clean out your hair closet. Here are 3 reasons why Spring cleaning is important to the overall health or your hair.

1. Expired products can cause scalp problems.

Last year, my scalp was exhibiting signs of being unhealthy and unhappy. It was itchy, inflamed and had sections that were covered with what I can only describe as a ‘scab.’ This was at a very stressful time in my life so I concluded that the issue was stress related.

Unfortunately, my scalp didn’t improve when things settled in my life. I tried using prescription shampoos and home remedies without any success. Then one day, it occurred to me that the scalp issues would return within 2 days after wash day. So I decided to take inventory of every product I used in my hair.

Much to my dismay, my leave in conditioner was expired. I threw it out immediately and decided to check the dates for all my other products as well. Many of them didn’t list an expiration date and since I couldn’t remember when I bought them, I threw out everything for good measure. Within 2 weeks of me using the new, replacement products my scalp cleared up and the issue hasn’t returned.

2. Update products that address your current hair needs.

It’s very easy to get into a hair regimen rut. We use the same products weekly and don’t give it a second thought. However, this automatic response to your hair care may not be delivering optimal results. Your hair’s needs change with the seasons. For example, you may need a lighter moisturizer in the summer than you do in the winter. What your hair needs may also change based on your current hair archetype.

When you assess your hair’s needs and determine whether your products are addressing those needs, you can buy new products as needed. For the products that no longer work for you, I’d suggest you donate them to a friend. It’s tempting to save products for further use but depending on the expiration date, you may not get to use them before they expire (see #1 above).

3. Less stuff = less stress.

After I did my spring cleaning, I felt relieved. My hair closet was cleaner and less cluttered. You would be amazed at how being surrounded by an abundance of stuff can unconsciously impact your mood. Letting go of all the old products was surprisingly liberating. The sense of accomplishment also motivated me to recommit to my healthy hair journey.

When was the last time your cleaned out your hair closet? How did you feel letting go of the old products?