In the past 8 months, my life has been a super crazy whirlwind. I started the year confused and with a broken heart due to the break-up of my best friend/boyfriend, but with the help of friends, a new guy friend, and my never-slackening school work, I was able to pull through that pain. Additionally, I had the earth-shattering realization of, “Oh ish! I’m graduating in May and I NEED TO FIND A JOB!!!” So, as a full-time student with extracurriculars, I had to add job-hunting on top of a never-ending amount of stress.
With all that said, my hair has taken a backseat. I had braids for only a month and a half this year, but I had to take them out for my graduation photos (per my mother’s request.) Honestly, if I had some money, I would have weaved this up a LONG time ago and been done with it. Regardless, I did what was easy for me: twist outs and bunning. This was done kind of on necessity because prior to my May 12th graduation, I hadn’t had a relaxer since Thanksgiving. And Honey…. By the time I visited a salon, I felt like a Baby Troll Doll.


On May 12th, I graduated and my hair was LAID like no other, but after washing my hair I realized that I was seriously underprocessed L…. In some areas, it was as if I never got a touch up, so I was less than happy, but I had other issues. The main fact being that I was now Tommy from the 90’s classic Martin.
Luckily, someone had other plans for me and I got a job at a top notch company! And when they called me with an offer, it went a little something like this. The one catch was that the job didn’t start until November which in my mind meant, “What the H am I gonna do until then?!” Well, that same someone who helped me get a job, found an internship for me at my local District Attorney’s office and since I have law school aspirations, I am eternally grateful and it has been so exciting to learn about legal procedures in state government.
Through all of this, my hair has been on the back burner. Prior to my July 16th relaxer, I was only rocking buns because with my internship, it’s the more professional/easiest style. Additionally, I hated dealing with my roots due to my lack of patience and in the words of the wise Sweet Brown,
After I got my hair relaxed a few weeks ago, I went to Great Clips for a trim. Little did I know, that one of the ways that I was bunning, was creating dead ends and the stylist told me that at least 2 inches had to go for my hair to be healthy. Of course I moaned and I whined but I knew it was for the greater good. My less than ½ an inch away from BSL was cut to slightly above APL. So. Much Devastation!!!
Now, my hair has healthy ends. I’m actually surprised that I was able to strike up the nerve to cut that hair off, because the Ms.Danielle from a couple years ago would never do it and would be paying for it later. I see now that it is all a part of the journey and I’m glad that I’m learning these lessons along the way. I wish I was the type who can say, “It’s just hair!” Then, cut it off and go about my business, but it’s really hard. I’m a slow grower so every millimeter is precious to me and with this cut, it’s like I’m stuck at a terminal length. As the saying goes, “this too shall pass,” so I refuse to be discouraged. Lord knows that if things go according to plan, within the next month I will be rocking a bomb weave and swinging it like Beyoncé at the Super Bowl. And y’all won’t be able to tell me nothin’. I know my hair journey will continue to have setbacks and triumphs, but I take solace in the thought that hair journeys are full of ebbs and flows. For those who have never had any issues with their journeys… Girl you don’t know how lucky you are! But for everyone like me, how do you deal with these challenges?
From one student to another <3
P.S.- I’m so sorry that I don’t have any photo updates! My camera completely died on me :(. But the next time that I DC, I will definitely post pics 🙂