Product Review: Nature’s Therapy Mega Moisture Conditioner

A few weeks ago, I used this conditioner to co-wash my hair. My mom used this in my hair when I was in high school and it was great. Back then, my hair was relaxed bone-straight and the conditioner made my hair super soft. I was interested to see how my texlaxed hair would respond to it.

This conditioner is extremely thick (see below I can turn it upside down without it dripping) and has a pleasant light scent. To co-wash my hair, I detangled and braided as I usually do on wash day. I wet my hair in the shower, slathered on the conditioner and covered with a shower cap while I showered. Finally, I applied my usual leave-in conditioners.

Pros: The conditioner made my hair feel very soft and moisturized. It also did an amazing job of defining my texlaxed “curls” and allowing them to clump together. If I ever decide to do a wash-n-go, this would be the ideal conditioner.

Cons: My hair took much longer than usual to dry.

I purchased this conditioner at Sally’s for under $10 (I can’t remember the exact price and since I bought it online, it doesn’t have a price sticker). Have you used this conditioner?