You know those women who can do anything to their hair and it still retains length? They could probably set their hair on fire and have it survive. My aunt is one of those lucky women. When I visited her a few weeks ago, I took this picture of her hair.
My aunt goes to the salon almost weekly and has a low maintenance regimen (that should be read as no maintenance regimen). I lost count of all the hair rules that she broke. While at her house, I needed some products to blow dry and flat iron a friend’s hair. I wasn’t prepared with my products, since I didn’t expect to be an impromptu stylist.
I asked my aunt for the necessary products, and the convo went something like this:
Me: Where is your heat protectant?
Aunt: What?
Me: You know, heat protectant? You use it before you blow dry or flat iron your hair.
Aunt: I don’t have any.
Me: Okay, what about a leave-in conditioner?
Aunt: I don’t have that either.
Me: Serum?
Aunt: (laughs)
Me: How do you keep hair on your head?
To her credit, she also doesn’t have a blow dryer or flat iron, so it makes sense that she wouldn’t have heat protectant. At the end of the day, her regimen works for her and that’s all that matters. She has retained length since the last time I posted pictures of her hair. I’m a firm believer in doing what works for you. To each their own. But I do know that if I followed her regimen, I would not have the same success she has with it.
My aunt is a rare exception to all the hair rules. If we could all be so lucky. Do you know someone who doesn’t follow the “hair rules” and still has beautiful hair?