Mini Product Haul

During this stretch, Sta-Sof-Fro has been my saving grace. It softens and moisturizes my new growth, which makes it less prone to breakage when I comb it. The last time I used Sta-Sof-Fro, I finished the bottle. Today, I went to Sally and Walmart but they did not carry it. Fortunately, there is another Walmart that does carry it so I will go there tomorrow. (I love that the Walmart website tells you which stores has the products you want). Although I did not get the Sta Sof Fro, I did get the following:

I use this when I flat iron my hair but can’t find my other one
This is new for me, I’ll be trying it out to moisturize  my roots
I love these bobby pins but I keep losing them
My dog chewed on my other comb, so this is the replacement

I also need some more Kenra Moisturizing Conditioner. I buy my conditioner in bulk when Trade Secret or another store has a sale. If you hear about a sale, please let me know.

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