Roots before tension blow dry method |
Back in March, my stylist suggested that I stretch my relaxers, and throughly detangle my roots during the stretch. I am 9 weeks post and my roots are a force to be reckoned with at this point. I usually avoid manipulating my new-growth, but Reniece pointed out that doing so would allow my roots to get tangled and potentially break on relaxer day. My next relaxer is scheduled for June 25, and this stretch will be 14 weeks long.
Roots after |
To help manage my new growth, she suggested that I try the tension blow dry method. This method is done by gently holding a section of wet/damp hair taut while using a blow dryer to dry the hair. The tension blow dry method helps to stretch the new growth. By stretching and lightly straightening the roots, they are less likely to tangle around themselves and are easier to comb through. It also takes out some of the “bulk” and poof from the roots.
Usually, people use a concentrator nozzle when blow-drying the section of hair. However, I opted to use my diffuser instead. This was my first time doing the tension method and so far I like it. Here are some pictures of how I tension blow dry my roots. The next time I do this, I will record video.
Holding small section of hair taut |
Using diffuser to blow dry roots |
Hold the blow dryer for several seconds on each section |