Countdown to Christmas

I love Christmas. It is the happiest time of the year for me, because some of my best childhood memories are from Christmas in Jamaica. My family would have our own Christmas show at my grandmother’s house. Complete with a play about the birth of Christ, dance contest, soda-drinking contest, beauty pageant, gift exchange, and lots of food.  

One great thing about the holiday as a child, was that I got to try different hair styles. I don’t recall ever getting my hair hot-combed growing up.  My mom pretty much kept it in styles like this one below.  I think I wore ribbons in my hair almost every day as a child LOL. 

On Christmas day, I got to wear my hair down.  One of my aunts would set my hair so I could wear a curly style.  The curls usually didn’t last because of the heat and humidity.  But for the 30 minutes that my style was on point, you couldn’t tell me anything. 

This Christmas I plan to wear curls since I wore a wavy style for Thanksgiving.  I’m thinking of using the Curlformers on flat ironed hair.  We will show how it goes.    

Did you get to wear a special hairstyle as a child because it was Christmas?  What are your hair plans for this holiday?